Sunday, September 20, 2009

The NEXT few days in Orlando

Wednesday, Sept. 16--First Night of rehearsal! AMAZING...I was blown away. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to share details, but i'll just say that the houses and scarezones are brilliant and terrifying. 

Thursday, Sept. 17--Audition for Disney Character/Puppeteer...the audition was pretty much the same as in March, with a few changes such as a different puppet trainer, and therefore different song to lip sync to. Once again, they spent a lot of time focused on my "puppet", and it was nice that this time the puppeteer audition only had 5 of us in it. Then the casting director asked to see my profile, and after that she took me outside of the room to take some pictures. That's about all I can say :-)

Friday, Sept. 18--I went into Universal Islands of Adventure to try out the water rides, most notably Bluto's Bilge Rat Barges. I wore my swimsuit, and only brought in my car key, ID, and debit card, prepared to get soaked. I didn't get into the park until after 2 o'clock, and with the park closing at six, I wasn't expecting to get on a lot. I was amazed by the short lines, so went on a lot of other rides too, as follows:

5 min wait for Hulk front row
Walk on for Hulk last row
Walk on for Hulk middle row somewhere
5 min wait for Spiderman, in a car full of Asians, except me. It was hilarious.
2 cycles on Bluto's Barges, they just let us stay on, it was awesome. 
3 walk on rides of Dudley Do Right's Ripsaw Falls, twice in the back, once in the middle, hoping to get the front, but didn't happen. Each time I was with a different type of internationals. Once some sort of europeans...then once asians, and once it was venezuelans. Back in March it was Americans ride this ride?
1 walk on ride of Jurassic Park River Adventure, 2nd row. barely got wet. LAME.
1 walk on ride of Dueling Dragons ICE
5 min wait for Dueling Dragons FIRE
1 walk on ride of HULK, somewhere in the middle
1 ride on Spiderman without 3D glasses (gave mine up to a father who gave his to his son...he had never been on the ride before so I figured he'd enjoy it, plus, i wanted to look around during the ride, and this helped. The guy loved the ride, and his son surprisingly did too..he just barely made it on with the height requirement. 
Saw the heroes in the streets on my way out, and then decided to head out, and it was about 5:30 surprisingly, still time to spare!

Saturday, August 19--Spent the day at home relaxing, not doing much...

Today: Off to Studios before rehearsal tonight at 7...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The first few days in Orlando

Saturday, Sept 12- Drove the rest of the way from Lynchburg VA. Long day, with much insanity ensued. Stay tuned for pictures on facebook. After a while, everything became funny to me.

Sunday, Sept 13- A day at Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure! I realized i may have made a mistake coming as it was PACKED due to Rock the Universe, a christian band fest that was happening this weekend...causing a 150min+ wait for Rockit.

10 min wait single rider line Mummy
MIB single rider walk on score: 178350
Animal Actors On Location 12:45 show...really cool! and some incredible stuff! Including Max from the Grinch movie!!!
Mummy Single Rider 5 min wait
Bart Simpson Character Sighting at KwikEMart
George, Man in the Yellow Hat, Shaggy, Scooby, Woody Woodpecker and female companion all by ET in kids zone
Jimmy Neutron's Nicktoon Blast 10 min wait
2:10 left Studios
2:15 got in Islands
20 min wait for Spiderman...don't know what happened to the single rider line!!! (maybe it's only used during peak season?)
Grinch and Cat sighting by the Circus McGurkus
Oh the Stories you can tell show at 3
10 min wait for Dragons...3rd from back row for Ice, then 2nd row for Fire
Rained for a I went on Spiderman with a 10 min wait, got off and it was sunny
10 min wait for Hulk...sat in the back
4:45 left


Monday, Sept 14-Seaworld!

11:30 in the park
15 min wait Manta last row...THIS RIDE IS AMAZING!!!!!!
15 min wait Manta 7th row
Penguin Encounter
5 min wait Kraken front row
5 min wait Kraken last row
Shark encounter
10 min wait Wild Arctic
Fooooood at Voyages
Watched the divers at the Oyster's Secret. So cool!!!
15 min wait Manta last row
Believe Shamu show at 5pm
saw some awesome street comedy...videos to come!
5:45 left

Today, Tues, Sept 15

Went to a Disney audition, only to find out I was too tall for the specific character they were auditioning for..oh well! Better luck next time
Universal Studios!

2:50 in park
20min wait Rockit...first row. Listened to Black Eyed Peas' Pump It. Thought of Laura the whole time. :-D
20 min wait for Rockit line. 2nd row, listened to Mussorgsky's Night on Bald Mountain. Epic, though too quiet and could sometimes hear other music choices over mine.
20 min wait for Rockit in regular line. Back row. Wanted to play Movin Right Along, but the computer wasn't fast enough, so I got stuck with a random song...Git Wit It...that's what it sounded like. Oh well.
Mummy Walk On in the single line...rode 3 times
15 min wait for Simpsons
MIB singles line, 10 min wait, but i walked on! 280700 the first time, 333875 the second time
Left the park at 6 when it closed...

That's all the update I have for now, stay tuned...Tomorrow night is the first rehearsal!

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Big Move...

So to get you caught up...On August 3-5, 2009 I flew down with some friends from Six Flags to audition for Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Orlando. It had been announced that this was going to be the last day of auditions and the audition dates after this were to be cancelled. Therefore, there were only a few spots left, despite the hundreds of people in attendance. At this point in the casting process, it was very specific roles they had to fill, mostly determined by body type. So they brought us in groups of about 40-60 into a separate room and had us go down the line saying our name and favorite horror film. After everyone said that, we were dismissed outside where it began to drizzle. Minutes later they came out and read a small handful of names of people who were being offered jobs. I was luckily on the list, so i went inside, filled out an application, and got finger printed. fun. I managed to go into the parks on all 3 days I was down there (including Universal Studios for the first time, had been to islands of adventure twice before)

Fast forward: August 20-Orientation: I flew down the morning of the orientation, which was lots of fun. Afterwards I met with a potential roommate for my time down in FL. Then to the hotel. The next day I spent at Universal Studios then flew home, which included a 36 hour pit stop in the Washington Dulles airport. Not fun. but that's another story.

Fast forward: Present day: Getting ready for the trip! This Friday, I head down to Orlando, where i'll be moving into my apartment and getting ready to work and apply for other jobs in the area. Not to mention gratuitous trips to various theme parks ;)...Excited for the trip, and for moving to Florida, but sad to be leaving so many people in the Northeast, from SFNE to UConn to Norwich, all (most) will be missed! Check back often, become a follower, i'm going to do my best to keep my blog updated regularly keeping everyone updated on my Florida Adventures!!!

Much love,