Monday, September 7, 2009

The Big Move...

So to get you caught up...On August 3-5, 2009 I flew down with some friends from Six Flags to audition for Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Orlando. It had been announced that this was going to be the last day of auditions and the audition dates after this were to be cancelled. Therefore, there were only a few spots left, despite the hundreds of people in attendance. At this point in the casting process, it was very specific roles they had to fill, mostly determined by body type. So they brought us in groups of about 40-60 into a separate room and had us go down the line saying our name and favorite horror film. After everyone said that, we were dismissed outside where it began to drizzle. Minutes later they came out and read a small handful of names of people who were being offered jobs. I was luckily on the list, so i went inside, filled out an application, and got finger printed. fun. I managed to go into the parks on all 3 days I was down there (including Universal Studios for the first time, had been to islands of adventure twice before)

Fast forward: August 20-Orientation: I flew down the morning of the orientation, which was lots of fun. Afterwards I met with a potential roommate for my time down in FL. Then to the hotel. The next day I spent at Universal Studios then flew home, which included a 36 hour pit stop in the Washington Dulles airport. Not fun. but that's another story.

Fast forward: Present day: Getting ready for the trip! This Friday, I head down to Orlando, where i'll be moving into my apartment and getting ready to work and apply for other jobs in the area. Not to mention gratuitous trips to various theme parks ;)...Excited for the trip, and for moving to Florida, but sad to be leaving so many people in the Northeast, from SFNE to UConn to Norwich, all (most) will be missed! Check back often, become a follower, i'm going to do my best to keep my blog updated regularly keeping everyone updated on my Florida Adventures!!!

Much love,

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