Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So an evening of plane flights later and I am here, in Georgia.

Oh the encounters with the airways:
-One flight next to a high school student reading "The Little Prince" in French
-The same flight being aisle buddies with a lady whom I struck a conversation up with over the books we were reading. She suggested that I should read the "Twilight" series...Hmmm...credible source?
-I was lucky enough to have both flights and the layover spent with a young woman who got extremely excited every time the plane was about to take off, to the point of taking pictures when it was taking off, to which the flight attendants told her to sit down and put away the camera repeatedly. I don't think she had a perfect tooth left in her mouth, Becky, i found your perfect candidate for Boards...She then made several babies cry by making faces at them. I was frightened, and that is saying something.
-A lady who wore a dentist's mask for the entire flight with the one exception to pop an airborne when the flight attendant did the beverage rounds.
-The second flight i sat wedged between to obese sleeping men. I had to nudge one to let him know I had to use the bathroom, at which end he insisted he wasn't sleeping. He was. I will re-enact per your requests. :-D
-Two girls that I couldn't tell how old they were. Dressed like 13 year olds, with tattoos and piercings and ordered wine on the flight...but acted like 8 year olds. I just don't know. I feel bad for the guy who had to sit in their row...i jokingly asked when they arrived, "and HOW long is this flight?". So glad it wasn't transatlantic.

Successful day of people watching: CHECK

Off to bed, up at 6 for the INTERVIEW at 12 and AUDITION at phone will be off for most of that time as to be able to focus. Talk to you tomorrow evening! SO excited!!! Grammy's coming with me! Yay company! Goodnight! X


  1. The best part of traveling -- the characters you meet...

  2. i feel like only you would meet so many characters on a flight just down to florida haha

  3. You slay me :) HOW DID THE AUDITION GO????

    P.S. You should have given that lady my number ;)

  4. The audition update is coming soon!!! And it was the first thing I thought of when i saw her, LOL. Although you probably couldn't have stopped her talking long enough to actually clean her teeth. lol
